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People & Affiliated Groups 

We are an open and inclusive group, please contact us if you'd like to work together. We aim to be the catalyst for new and interesting multidisciplinary projects and are happy to be part of project proposals, workshops, publications and funding applications. Members are part of the general Collective and appear as part of the Responsible AI, Research and Representation Network, the R3 Network.


Our Current Members



Steve Benford (University of Nottingham)

Simone Borsci (University of Twente)
Mads Bødker (Copenhagen Business School)
Nick Bryan-Kinns (University of the Arts London)
Oliver Butler (University of Nottingham)

Lady Rachel Cooper (Lancaster University)
Paul Coulton (Lancaster University)
Michael Craven (University of Nottingham)

Andrew Cusworth (University of Oxford) 

Sara de Haas (Google)

Eva De Visscher (Aberystwyth University)

Geert De Wilde (Aberystwyth University)
David De Roure (University of Oxford)
Alan Dix (Cardiff Metropolitan University)

Lucy Donaldson (University of Nottingham)

Dame Wendy Hall (University of Southampton)

Ali Housaini (Pantdar)
Matt Jones (Swansea University)

Elizabeth Kelly (University of Nottingham)

Andrew McPherson (Imperial College London)

Alessio Malizia (University of Pisa)

Konstantinos Papangelis (Rochester University of Technology)

Roma Patel (Makers of Imaginary Worlds)

Rachel Ramchurn (Makers of Imaginary Worlds)

Richard Ramchurn (Albino Mosquito)

Chris Rhodes (University College London)

Sam Salem Royal Northern College of Music
Bob Sturm (Royal Institute of Technology KTH)
Carolyn Ten Holter (University of Oxford)
Tommaso Turchi (University of Pisa)
Lachlan Urquhart (University of 

Craig Vear (University of Nottingham)

Phil Williams (University of Nottingham)

Kai Xu (University of Nottingham)


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