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Designing the Future Together

Have your say on AI and what the future looks like for you and your community.


On November the 20th Dr Alan Chamberlain (University of Nottingham) and Prof Paul Coulton (Lancaster University) will be hosting a public workshop to enable people to have their say about the ways in which they think that AI will have an impact upon their/your lives in the near and distant future. Come and talk to us at the FAIR AI FUTURES HQ.

Gravesend at the Innovation Showcase 2024,
20th of November, from 10am - 2pm
Drop in session at
12-14 High Street, Gravesend 

We're 23 minutes from St Pancras via HS1!


Have you ever wanted to have your say about the ways that AI might have an impact upon you. You may have something that you want to discuss, maybe you want to know more about AI or just have an interest in the area. This is an opportunity for you to take part in activities that will help us understand more about the ways that that people think about AI in the future, and enable other people know more about the issues, challenges and opportunities that people envisage when we think about AI. 

Have your say on AI and what the future looks like for you and your community.

Visit the FAIR AI FUTURES base at the Innovation Showcase


  • Come and discuss Afro-Futures with Favour Borokini! Favour will also be presenting on AI, Archaeology, Avatars and Pocahontas

  • Talk to Victor Ngo and Dr Ayse Kucukyilmaz about Robotics, Play and Young People,  and take part in an immervsive 360 experience.

  • Hear about the ways that AI was taken on the road … in caravan! to get people’s opinions about AI, working with BBC R&D.

  • Come and engage with AI generated images and 'Guess the prompt'.

  • Speak to the researcher and artist Rachel Jacobs and hear about the Future Machine!

  • Discuss whether AI will be good for the planet in relation to its environmental impact i.e.  energy use, water for cooling and consumption of resources used to build the computers on which it will run. 

  • Do a Vox Pop with Dr Glenn McGarry - tell him your opinion on AI on video!



The workshop will be part of the amazing Innovation Showcase 2024 organised by our partners The Fourth Portal at Gravesend. 


The session will run from 10am to 2pm and will be a free 'drop in' event.

Location 12-14 High Street, Gravesend, GB DA11 0BQ (Julius Caesar Restaurant)

Check out the rest of the Innovation Showcase


We want the event to be as inclusive and responsibly represent the views of people who come to the event. So please come along and give your opinions on things that matter to you and help us to design the future.


Supported by the following Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council projects.

AI UK: Creating an International Ecosystem for Responsible AI Research and Innovation (RAI UK), (RAKE Responsible Innovation Advantage in Knowledge Exchange) [grant number EP/Y009800/1] (RAKE Project - Alan Chamberlain)
Experiencing the Future Mundane [grant number EP/S02767X/1]

Horizon: Trusted Data-Driven Products [grant number EP/T022493/1]
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (The TAS RRI II project) [grant number EP/V00784X/1] 

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