Here are a few projects that we've decided to share, but we're already pulling together new research projects, developing collaborations and starting to plan new events. If you've got an idea for a project or want to work together please feel free to contact us directly.

Experimental IoT: Explorations in Sound Art and Technology (EXIoT) - This is a PETRAS funded project, we've had some excellent joint events with TAS Hub and the nTAIL project, and also had a panel and presentation with postgraduate students at the Music Department, University of Nottingham. Our last joint event was in December at Aberystwyth University, we've got 2 others planned (in Oxford and Nottingham) before the end of May - dates to follow! This is a collaboration between the universities of Nottingham and Oxford.

Responsible Research and Innovation RRI - TAS Hub
We're working with projects across the TAS Hub and also focusing on the role that RRI plays on the Creative Industries, in the future we're going to be running workshops in UoN and Oxford. One will focus upon AI & IoT, looking at Audio, Art, and Environmental Sustainability, the other will focus on Adaptive Media and RRI.

The Techwave ​- The Techwave offers researchers the opportunity to get together away from distractions in rural locations to think, critique and create. All are welcome at these great events and we hope to be involved in future events and enable others to take part. The Techwaves usually take part in Tiree and West Wales.

nTAIL - AHRC Network on Theatre, AI and Ludic Technologies.
We're continuing this project, the funded part of the network came to an end in Dec 2022, it was a joint project between the Universities of Nottingham and Aberystwyth. We aim to carry on running events. We have a special issue call coming out soon and we'll be looking at 'follow on' funding.
For past projects please follow this link - Coming soon