Events & Special Issues (Journals)
To find out more about our future events and special issues, follow the links below. Over the last couple of years we've been organising the successful nTAIL events and have a series of special issues in progress.

Workshop on Adaptive eXplainable AI.
Deadline 16th January 2024
As the integration of Artificial Intelligence into daily decision-making processes intensifies, the need for clear communication between humans and AI systems becomes crucial. The Adaptive XAI (AXAI) workshop focuses on the design and development of intelligent interfaces that can adaptively explain AI's decision-making processes and our engagement with those processes.
In line with the human-centric principles of the Future Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) project, this workshop seeks to explore, understand and develop interfaces that dynamically adapt, thereby creating explanations of AI-based systems that both relate to and resonate with a range of users with different explanation-based requirements. As AI's role in our lives becomes ever more embedded, the ways in which such systems explain elements about the system need to be malleable and responsive to the ever-evolving individual's cognitive state, relating to contextual needs/focus and to the social setting.
Part of ACM IUI 2024 - Intelligent User Interfaces - https://iui.acm.org/2024/accepted_workshops.html
Special Issues (Journals)

International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media: Artificial Intelligence and Contemporary Performance: Developing an Arts & Humanities Approach to AI
Submission Deadline 1st July 2024
This special issue is inspired by and based on the research which emerged from the AHRC research network ‘Theatre, A.I. and ‘Ludic Technologies’ nTA.I.L. The focus of the issue is to investigate the two related, yet distinct fields of contemporary performance, and artificial intelligence from the perspective of human centred interaction and artistic practice. We feel that this perspective has often been omitted from the current discussions and academic discourses on A.I. and thus this timely special issue will aim to address this gap in the research literature. We also feel that in our current post-digital age, there is scope, novelty and timeliness in taking this interdisciplinary research approach, in particular when considering how contemporary artistic practices can question our relationship with newly emerging technologies.
See Full details here: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/artificial-intelligence-contemporary-performance-developing-arts-humanities-approach-ai/

Interactive Audio Systems and Artefacts within Extended Reality: Innovation, Creativity and Accessibility
Special Issue - Frontiers in Virtual Reality. Submission Deadline 27th Feb 2024
Today, extended reality technologies are becoming increasingly accessible and therefore a more plausible area of investigation when creating sonic artefacts within immersive environments. Music composition, and audio systems, benefit from such immersive 3D environments because their mixed spatial features open up new avenues for musical expression, compositional thinking and human interaction with computing systems. Such as challenging the boundaries between physical/virtual instruments, spatialiasing sound, investigating new methods for sonic interactivity, using machine learning/AI to create human-led interactions with mixed spatial media and using the extended reality space to create accessible formats for enjoying audiovisual content. With successful enquiry, new methods for music composition, artistic immersion, data auralisation/sonic insights (regarding data sonification) and accessing artistic content are possible within extended reality.
See Full details here: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/58000/interactive-audio-systems-and-artefacts-within-extended-reality-innovation-creativity-and-accessibility

The Impact of Digital Technology on the Relationships between People and Wildlife
Special Issue in Frontiers in Human Dynamics
Manuscript Submission Deadline 29th February 2024
Digital technology (DT) first started to make its mark on the interactions between people and wildlife when it began to play a serious role in the tracking and monitoring of animal populations in the 1970s and 1980s. These early endeavours demanded large amounts of computing investment and the results could only be interpreted by a small number of people with the right expertise. However, an increasingly wide variety of applications have started to appear on smartphones to encourage the interest of ordinary users in identifying and monitoring wild animals, plants, fungi and other forms of wildlife in rural and urban areas. At the same time, citizen science has become an increasingly important motivator for the gathering of this kind of data. As a result, more and more people are having their interactions with wildlife mediated by digital technology. Computing now plays a significant role in the everyday work of conservation and it has also started to have an important impact on the amelioration of human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Nonetheless, its potential to improve the relationship between people and wildlife is still under-explored. See - https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/49724/the-impact-of-digital-technology-on-the-relationships-between-people-and-wildlife

Call for Papers: Human AI Conversational Systems: When Humans and Machines Start to Chat
A Special Issue in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Open for submissions until March 1st, 2024
We invite submissions for a special issue on the future of chatbots, conversational agents, Generative AI text-based systems and corresponding responding speech and language-based systems.
In recent years, chatbots, such as ChatGPT and conversational agents have gained significant attention, and enabling natural language communication between humans and machines. These systems have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with computers, AI-based systems, and services by offering a more intuitive, human-like way of getting information, using products, and accessing services.
The goal of this special issue is to explore the current state of the art and to further understand the future ways in which chatbots and conversational agents, and the ways in which we interact with them might develop, and how the quality of interactions with these systems can be ensured and assessed.
See here for details: https://www.springer.com/journal/779/updates/24070322
Past Events

Explainable AI for the Arts - XAIxArts
The first international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts at the ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference 2023.
This first ACM C&C workshop on explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts) brings together a community of researchers in HCI, Interaction Design, AI, explainable AI (XAI), and digital arts to explore the role of XAI for the Arts. XAI is a core concern of Human-Centred AI and relies heavily on Human-Computer Interaction techniques to explore how complex and difficult to understand AI models such as deep learning techniques can be made more understandable to people. However, to date XAI research has primarily focused on work-oriented and task-oriented explanations of AI and there has been little research on XAI for creative domains such as the arts

Music and the Internet of Things: Physical Computing, Creativity, and Sensory Heritage
A Collaboration between the University of Nottingham and University of Oxford - focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to research .
Oxford e-Research Centre - June 1st 2023 (10.00-16.00)
Workshop Chairs/Organisers: David De Roure (University of Oxford), Alan Chamberlain (University of Nottingham) Emanuela Vai (University of Oxford)
Workshop page link - Workshop
A Report of the Day can be accessed here: Music and the Internet of Things Report
This one-day workshop has a broad scope and a specific aim: to identify a research agenda for IoT and music which addresses both how IoT can benefit from the music domain and how music can further benefit from IoT. Topics discussed will include physical computing, materiality at the digital-physical intersection, sensory heritage, and the field of experimental humanities (digital prototyping as a method) - all in a music context ranging from performance to the design of new devices and artefacts.

Responsibility Re-Imagined
Responsible Innovation & Sustainability in the Digital Arts in an Age of AI
Event Webpage - Responsibility Re-Imagined - 15th of May 2023
For presentations from he event follow the link above
AI, the IoT (Internet of Things) and robotics are starting to pervade our everyday lives. In this workshop we bring together artists and academics who are working in these domains as a way to explore issues which relate to Responsible Innovation, Design, Trust, Privacy and Security -in the context of the Digital Arts and Environmental Sustainability, with a view to examining and unpacking these issues. This will inform and expand traditional notions of these research areas. The workshop is multidisciplinary and brings together the TAS RRI Project and PETRAS EXIoT projects, we have also invited members from the STAHR Collective; a growing cross-institutional multidisciplinary group.