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The Arts, Humanities & Responsible AI Symposium

Are you a researcher in the Arts and Humanities with a research interest in AI? This symposium will be of interest!

You are invited to join us at

The Arts, Humanities & Responsible AI Symposium

This event will be held at Aberystwyth University on the 29th of May 2024.
Chaired by Dr Thomas DeKeyser (Aberystwyth University) & Dr Alan Chamberlain (University of Nottingham)



The aim of the event is to bring together Arts & Humanities scholars to work together and collectively examine a timely question, “How can the Arts and Humanities enable and support research relating to Responsible AI on a personal level, as practice and philosophically?”


In order to do this, we will spend time reflecting on the nature of 'responsibility', and what responsible AI may look like by focusing on three distinct domains: Ecology and Wildlife, Identity, and Wellbeing, Representation, Belief and Heritage


The day will comprise of 3 sessions

Introductions (10am-11am): the organisers will first offer an outline of the day and its aims, and then each participant will get a few minutes (up to 5) to introduce their interest in the central question of the event.

Workshops (11am-1pm): three simultaneous workshops on:
'Responsible AI -  Ecology and Wildlife' - Chair - Chloe Griffiths
'Responsible AI - Identity' - Chair - Thomas DeKeyser
'Responsible AI - Representation, Wellbeing, Belief and Heritage' - Chair - Alan Chamberlain

Keynote: by Professor Alan Dix (Cardiff Metropolitan University) (2-3pm)



Alan Dix is Professorial Fellow at Cardiff Metropolitan University and Professor Emeritus at Swansea University where he was Director of the Computational Foundry for six years. His current role includes engaging with research across the whole gamut of disciplines at CMet from creative arts to health. He is known principally for his work in human–computer interaction including writing one of the key textbooks in the area. He was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2013 and is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. Outside academia, Alan has been co-founder of two tech companies, developed intelligent lighting, worked in local government and even submarine design. 



Please email us to register and tell us (3-4 lines) about your interest in AI, and which of the three workshops you would like to join. We will forward you details of the location of the event.

Click here to Email us with your interest


We are looking forward to seeing  you there.
10.00 - The Visualisation Centre - 0.06


The event is sponsored by the AI Hub (Aberystwyth University), nT.AI.L (AHRC Network) and Responsible AI, Research and Representation Network (R3 Network) (University of Nottingham) and Department of Psychology (Aberystwyth University)


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Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together - Join the Network 

Dr Alan Chamberlain 


The R3 Network is supported by the following Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council projects.

AI UK: Creating an International Ecosystem for Responsible AI Research and Innovation (RAI UK), (RAKE Responsible Innovation Advantage in Knowledge Exchange) [grant number EP/Y009800/1]

Horizon: Trusted Data-Driven Products [grant number EP/T022493/1]
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (The TAS RRI II project) [grant number EP/V00784X/1] 

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